Sunday, April 6, 2008


Before I went to bed on Wednesday night, Bernama News Flash said: Pakatan Rakyat state government announced lot titles for all gazetted new villages and kampung lots in the state and everyone is entitled to it. Next morning there was euphoria on the streets and market and kampung's all around about the prospect that there is indeed justice amongst thieves. What the BN lead government could not do in 50 years, was accomplished by a band of loosely knitted Exco's in 3 days after the swearing in ceremony which was on Monday - Believe it or Not????????

Well as the ancient Chinese adage goes, those former suckers just got their eye brows shaved and its truly an embarrassment to say the least in terms of publicity or gimmick as if you read between the lines, the new MB did not promised the sun and moon but he will try to accommodate at best provided in the state law. But for the layman, thats an irrevocable promise which might backfire if things are not resolved in the next 4 years for Pakatan Rakyat but hey, this is politics and the perception is crucial to say the least in reference to the former state leaders.

It was also made known to me that the former government has indeed approved 50,000 plus titles during their tenor and I shot back, "What you know and a few people know is not good publicity as the masses does not know, u stupid F...", and the local Pejabat Penerangan and its staff are just negligent but what can most of us do when we use to have a former MB who fails and stumbles.

The recent DAP crisis in Buntong has made me realised, how unstable the present state government is and that their foundation is built on thin ice and any adverse movement would result in total collapse and I am sure all Perakians do not realise the danger the state economy is by voting them in intentionally or otherwise.

Objectively these are the facts on having 2 seat majority:-

1. State funds can only last 3 months without federal support and funding
2. Tourism budget has been frozen
3. JKKK in crisis
4. 9th Malaysian Plan on hold
5. We do not have enough generating industries to depend on or to replenish the state coffers
6. All Federal funding will be delayed or just not forth coming
7. Past M.O.U signed by FDI especially for Manjung, Taiping and Belum will falter as the state does not provide confidence.

and much much more to say the least.

The present state government is too worried about their simple majority in the state legislature that they will not be focused enough to develop the state as they will have to look over their shoulders every second to avoid the Buntong crisis from repeating and they cannot pass a bill in the state legislature on anti hopping as this would require 2/3 majority.

To have a Malaysian of Indian orgin to be in the exco or speaker or senior exco or whatever position is suppose to resolve the problems besetting the Indian community for the past 50 years is it?????

How stupid and naive are all you jokers, what BN or MIC can't do for you, you expect Pakatan Rakyat to deliver is it??? Please wake up or hopefully I am proven wrong then I can rest my case!! Please have some common sense, money and development do not grow on trees and does not happen over night you know, please wake up!!!! and stop claiming that MAKKAL SAKTI won the election for PERAK.

Tell the wakil rakyat to donate their monthly salary for the betterment of the community (if they do not get federal funding) and serve them well, them maybe I will join Pakatan Rakyat and serve the rakyat for life and please wake up to reality and this will not happen in the next decade and as if a better Indian representation will solve the problem.

We have two exco members who are cousins and at the same time members of parliment and with parliment sitting soon, can they contribute to the state affairs is Questionable???

SO PERAKIANS, PLEASE WAKE UP AND WISE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It has not dawned on to the man on the street the severe and dire political circumstances of the present political landscape which will be felt in the next 90 days as the new MB wanted to gauge his days in office. We will be really F.... by then and reality sets in and grouses will be loud and clear again.

The man on the street is already suffering and all the contractors, suppliers and consultants are not being paid to date and Federal payment will be delayed plus all the class F contractors are dying and do you honestly think that Pakatan Rakyat will be voted in again in 4 years time,?????I DOUBT IT !!!!!

If today they command a bit more majority, I am sure everyone will give them one term to prove their worth and mettle but that is not to be as some of their so called wakil rakyat are not that well educated or able to provide input to spur the economy as most of us want it to be. As it never dawned onto them of winning in the first place and a good many lawyers in their teams can only mess up the system and most of us knows that lawyers are only good at arguing for the sake of arguing (for financial gain) and not technocrat or economist.