Monday, March 31, 2008

Silver State PERAK - Political Unstability

Three weeks after the 12th General Election, the Perak exco (without portfolio) was just sworn in last Saturday and today Bernama has reported the resignation of the assemblyman (DAP) from Buntong admist intense positioning and disatisfaction amongst the valid reasons.

Why cant the stupid and shaky coalition of PKR-PAS-DAP got it right from the beginning and avoided such embarassment for being branded incompetent yet again?

Why does such things happen? Do they lack the political maturity? Are they also just as greedy as the former administrators? And for what ever the reasons, citizens of Malaysia and in particular Perakian, please wake up and realise that who so ever you chose to put in the position of the government, the same monkey business will always prevail and like my usual frank and no holds barred phrase, " Lim Kit Siang could be the next PM and the circus goes on mama".

The moral of the story is this, nothing is gonna change, people might come and go but the bad habits and conventions will prevail just in a different guise.

To date, we citizens of Perak have yet to hear some comforting news or development for the former leaders and political groups as all of them are still in denial as they claim that there are not much money to re-organised and the putrajaya leadership has not been forthcoming admist trouble in their own party.

Imagine the irony, you can spend huge sums of money for the sake of development (we all know where it all went) and when it matters most, "everyman for himself", and lack or no initiative to win back the hearts and soul of the rakyat they have betrayed in the first place.

Check the report and surveys on how close BN came to losing the country and do you think there is fear in this charade and political circus? Does not seem like it.

One senior politician commented to me this morning, quote - "the rakyat is regretting now since putting the opposition in power - padanlah muka", please get yourself a mirror YB and reflect on your past sins YB and please get down from that high chair and look around you and what you morons have done to the state.

Meanwhile the present PAS MB has been going round meeting the rakyat and ketua kampung's and explaining that the former master has been sending their agents out to buy over the present elected representatives to enable them to control the state again to a total war chest of RM50 million.

Besides those developments, the PAS religious brigade has been infiltrating into the state surau's and mosque's to spread their ideology to the surprise of many common muslims.

What are we looking at now? is BN aware ? is the Istana aware ? is DAP aware? maybe yes and maybe not but one thing is for sure, Perak state is going to the dogs.

The common folk of Buntong thought that by voting the opposition and putting their hopes and aspirations, is now left deserted by their elected DAP representative. Do you think they will forget their struggle and will this breed more discontent resulting in anarchy? Your guess is as good as mine.

One thing is for sure, concerted efforts by the opposition front and the Barisan National front is lacking and personal interest seems to be paramount.

So I dare conclude that politics will only get dirtier and the victims will always be the common people who's only option of hard fought hope, slowly disappears from their grasp and sight and may god have mercy on our souls.