Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Fellow Malaysians...good morning..and may GOD have mercy on our souls.....democracy...constitutional right....voting right...human rights...self imposing ideals...etc....is nothing short of flirting with the devil and be warned...for the devil is lurking and just might consume u with fire.....

These are the dangers our so called learned and not so learned (tidak baca) Malaysians are doing daily in the name of democracy....i.e. bar council...islamic bodies....ngo....government and Pakatan Rakyat.....

Does anyone realised that ANUAR IBRAHIM at best must only become the oppostion leader in Parliment ( for it will keep BN on its toes and be more sympathatic to the rakyat) and never be the so called PM in waiting as this will result in the actual crsytalization of an Islamic state as the UMNO will have no choice ( burn all bridges for the sake of Muslim unity ) but to form an alliance with PAS and the operating condition is implementing hudud law,thus an ISLAMIC STATE.

With a majority in parliment....anything can be changed besides the Federal Constitution.........some might not know.....

The power that be, will sacrifice Barisan Nasional (along with MCA, MIC, GERAKAN, PPP etc) just to prevent Anuar Ibrahim from being the PM should such a day be realised.

So Malaysian of other ethnic minority, please wake up from yr 50 years of slumber to the truth staring right in yr face, " CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER", for its as real as daylight.

The entire minority composition is less that 28% compared with Bumiputra of 70% and above, so..where does yr loyalty lies....and to quote a demonstrator slur during the protest on Sunday at the BAR Council meeting, " BABI, balik Cina lah oi ", " KELING, balik India le" , is a clear reminder that no matter what anyone has contributed to the growth of the country amounts to nought, and eventhough ure apolitical and neutral in yr views and values.....

This is where the roads leads to at the moment.....but on hindsight to reverse such a trend would depend very much on the ballot boxes comes the 13th General Election a few years down the road......if its not already too late....." point to consider is migration to another country ".

Mud slinging, washing dirty linen in public, corruption, political assasination, character assasination, murder, statutory declaration, missing in action and total chaos seems to be the order of the day thus affecting Malaysia's image in terms of accountability, investment haven and developing status.

Making life and ends meet for a average Malaysian is not enough....but now we have to deal with another ugly truth.....

Can DAP ever work with PAS, can PR survive this difference in idealogy?????? remains to be seen and as the saying goes....the victim finally will be the RAKYAT for voting CHANGE and the price is to be paid in BLOOD......and may GOD have mercy on our souls and since we dug our own grave..please lie in it.......


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